Sunday Services
What does our regular service look like?
Our worship services on Sunday mornings start at 10:00 a.m. We follow a fairly standard Reformed order of service, which includes times of prayer, confession, praise, singing, and a sermon rooted in God’s Word. The style of music you’ll hear depends on what Sunday you visit; we enjoy a variety of congregational singing, at times accompanied by guitar and drums, by the organ, or a piano.
Part of our worship is to give; each Sunday we have the opportunity to give both to the church, and to a different organization or ministry that we support. Giving is an important part of our expression of thanks to God; however, as a guest, don’t feel at all obligated to contribute.
If you like, you’re certainly invited to join us for a cup of coffee after the service. We hope you’ll stick around, but if that’s not comfortable for you, that’s okay too. __________________________________________________________________________________ We are accessible for those with hearing impairment. If you are hard of hearing, please go to the back sound booth and speak to an attendant for an assistive device or instructions on how to connect to the hearing loop.